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Xinfeng door industry tells you several key points of selecting wooden doors
2021-08-25hits:SHARE TO :
Which points should we pay attention to when choosing wooden doors? Xinfeng door industry today to give you a brief introduction, so that you can live more comfortable.

Xinfeng door industry tells you that the first thing is the appearance of the door. It directly affects our visual effect and has a direct relationship with our mood. The color matching should be considered in the design of wooden door, which directly affects the overall effect of our whole house customization. We should consider the color matching, color purity and brightness.

The quality of wooden doors is also very important. Xinfeng door industry tells us that we should check the moisture content of wooden doors when selecting wooden doors. Too high or too low moisture content can directly affect wooden doors. In the use environment, corrugated, expansion and contraction and other deformation conditions will occur due to the changes of temperature and humidity in the weekend environment. The wooden door with qualified moisture content can prolong the service life of the wooden door.

Finally, what Xinfeng door industry wants to tell you is the quality of paint. We should choose UV paint and observe whether the paint surface is uniform, plump and smooth. Don't erase the rough feeling.

The above are the key points of Xinfeng door industry on how to select wooden doors. I hope you can better choose wooden doors after reading it.

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